2019, video, 1’21”
2019, video, 1’25”
2019, video, 1’34”
The video serie puts the japanese ensō symbol in a new context. A black circle drawn originally clockwise, in a single motion, on exhalation symbolizes the moment when the soul is released and takes shape through the physical body (mostly) on the white paper. The sign of the beginning and the end, the emptiness and the completeness, the presence in the moment are kept alive by the peculiar dynamics of the colors black and white:
Blackness helps to penetrate into the things, even into the middle of things themselves, where man is surrounded by total density, and where eventually nothing can be seen anymore. Black becomes the color of infinite proximity. The eye gets so close to the object that it can no longer see it.
White is neither an environment, nor a passive space. White shapes black: it is form-creating power, the space itself, the indefinable – and nothing. This white emptiness from the outside is equal to the forming force from the inside out.
The series captures the integration of the symbol into the veryday life, as well as the possibility of the meaning-layers of the circle to reach beyond their usual domain (or to penetrate further inside those). Via the virtual eye of the camera, we can move in thought into a non-object world, where- in virtue of things becoming plastic – this fiction becomes a reality visible to the physical eye, and our everyday reality gets a special curvature, too.